Saturday, 15 March 2014

The housing situation in India is hidden from no one. With the growing population, the demand for proper dwelling is also on the rise. Presently, over twenty-six million dwellings are still required to meet the current needs. This is one of the main reasons why prefabricated homes in india are gaining popularity nowadays. Prefabricated or modular homes are constructed using factory made components, which are assembled directly on the site.  This cuts down the time and the labor required for building it altogether. 

The speed of the construction, which can be a few months only, improved insulation, affordability of the homes, and energy efficiency are the main reasons why people in India are also being lured towards these kinds of dwellings. The prefab houses prices are obviously less as compared to traditionally built homes, but in some places, you might not get the right price if you want to sell a modular wooden home. The resale price can be an issue when you try to sell your home. However, this scenario might change overtime, as these homes become more popular in the time to come. The accessibility to the site can be another issue in a country like India, where people reside in very congested places. Transporting the modules to the site can be a problem in such cases. Despite of the issues, wooden modular homes have captured a lot of attention, as its benefits surpass the issues that come along.

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